Male Infertility Problems? Could Monsanto Be to Blame?

The blame for infertility usually falls to the female. Rarely is the evil eye cast upon the chance of male infertility problems. As with the female half of fertility, lifestyle plays a large role in the number and viability of sperm.  Despite this knowledge, visits to fertility “specialists” are usually limited in scope to the […]

Think You’re NOT Prediabetic? Better Think Again

It’s pretty clear that the percentage of the US population that is prediabetic is startlingly high. But of course, this does not apply to you, right?  Better rethink that. I won’t repeat my belief that the diabetic spectrum is the worst thing that the human physiology experiences (oops…I guess I just did).  But this article […]

Cervical Cancer Injection: Are HPV Vaccine Side Effects Real?

The cervical cancer injection is new. Clearly there have been concerns, but are the HPV vaccine side effects real or just hype? However, before we go any further I need to clarify something. The human papillomavirus vaccination is NOT a cervical cancer vaccination. You can’t “vaccinate” against cancer, which is exactly why “cancer” is not in the […]


Insulin neuroprotection against oxidative stress in cortical neurons involvement of uric acid and glutathione antioxidant defenses Lest you think that Mother Nature created a compound like insulin and all it does is nasty things (aka Metabolic Syndrome), remember that Mother Nature does everything with a purpose. Insulin is no different. While high levels are unquestionably […]