Seizures and THIS B Vitamin; Could it be the Key?

It is not in my nature to promote a one cause/one cure mentality. But sometimes certain approaches are so important that they need to be mentioned separately. This goes for many conditions from diabetes to Alzheimer’s dementia. And certainly over the years I have pointed out research on single approaches that have been proven to […]

Having Seizures? What are YOU Doing to Protect Your Brain?

There are natural remedies for seizures that have shown strong effectiveness in medical studies; the same types of studies that are used to document the effectiveness of the drugs that are used to treat seizures. In other words, natural approaches to helping seizures like good sleep, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D, the ketogenic diet […]

Epilepsy – Not Just a Brain Disorder

I have gone as far as writing a book on Migraines and Epilepsy to show that epilepsy needs to be treated from a full-body approach. A treatment approach that just focuses on controlling the seizures is missing the real problem. Don’t get me wrong—controlling the seizures is the first goal. But it should never be […]

Can Diet Control the Worst Type of Seizures???

There is no way that something as simple and uncomplicated as diet can manage the worst-case scenario of epileptic seizures. Not when we have so many powerful drugs to control seizures. This would seem to be the attitude of most neurologists because diet is usually the absolute last thing they would ever mention, and that […]

Chronic Migraine Headaches and Seizures Linked

Only the most learned will view migraine headaches and seizures through the same lens, despite some very apparent similarities in the underlying causes. One of the learned would of course be me.  I can say this because I’ve written a book on the integrative management of migraines and epilepsy (which is, unfortunately not the name […]