The initial care of newborn infants and subsequent hay fever – (11-16-00)

The initial care of newborn infants and subsequent hay fever This is another article supporting the fact that exposure to bacteria as our immune systems develop is instrumental in this process. Dr. Wakefield, the author that continues to receive much criticism for his research linking measles vaccine and autism, was one of the researchers for […]

4 Infant Feeding Problems Solved Easily

I usually note that most doctors are decades behind the medical research and it is always the patient that suffers.  Pediatricians seem to be the worst of the bunch when it comes to common infant problems. Of course, I AM generalizing here based on feedback from patients as well as the recommendations that parents are […]

Reflux in Infants: 3 Ways to Stop it Now

While it’s been some time (and my memory is going with age) I still remember the first time I heard of a newborn being put on Prilosec for reflux. Incredulous.  Stupefied.  Dazed.  All adequate descriptions for how I felt at that time. After this time, I heard more often of cases where infants were given […]