Do You Give Your Kid’s Gatorade?

GATORADE FOR ACTIVE KIDS?  Gatorade (in it’s original form without all the iridescent colors and artificial sweeteners) was designed for the athlete who hits the wall at 60 minute of heavy aerobic activity and needs rapid glucose for the next hour.  And, quite frankly, it does a good job at this.  And ONLY this.  But, […]

Why Exercise is Important – Mesa AZ Back Pain Doctor

IF YOU CAN’T EXERCISE THIS MUCH, JUST HANG IT UP NOW…. Gotta love us lazy humans.  Just how little exercise, how little we have to exert and how infrequent do we have to exercise and still get a benefit? Not that I advocate hanging out of the bottom of the bell curve, but in this study participants […]

Reflections on 20 Years in a Chiropractic Practice

In March of 1998 I left the frigid tundra of the Chicagoland area to start a practice on my own in sunny Arizona.  Thus started the Chiropractic chapter in my life. And I’ve learned a lot in this time frame.  And have probably forgotten just as much as I learned. Had you asked me with […]

Info on Heart Failure Your Cardiologist Probably Doesn’t Know

Heart disease remains the biggest killer in the Western world. This is despite billions of dollars pumped into this condition. Billions of dollars into research, drug development, drug use and cardiology procedures. And yet, all we have to show for it is a slight reduction in deaths from heart disease, but an increasing number of […]