Long-Term Effect of Dust Control on Blood Lead Concentrations – (10-30-00)

Long-Term Effect of Dust Control on Blood Lead Concentrations

Frequently cleaning of dust in a household has always been recommended in an attempt to keep the levels of lead to a minimum. This moderately large study suggests that this approach has no effect on a child’s level of lead in the blood. This places additional weight on other methods of prevention; increased vitamin C intake, avoiding fluoridated water (not only does fluorisilic acid increase lead uptake, but poor quality control allows much lead to slip INTO the water supply to make matters worse), keeping an air filter in the child’s room and drinking only filtered water.

Pediatrics — Abstracts: Lanphear et al. 106 (4): e48

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James Bogash

For more than a decade, Dr. Bogash has stayed current with the medical literature as it relates to physiology, disease prevention and disease management. He uses his knowledge to educate patients, the community and cyberspace on the best way to avoid and / or manage chronic diseases using lifestyle and targeted supplementation.
