December 29, 2000 Research Update

James Bogash, D.C. Mesa, AZ

Efficacy, tolerability of peppermint, caraway oil in functional dyspepsia

There are so many studies popping up in regards to natural therapeutics and GI disturbances. Considering that mainstream medicine has few “fixes” for GI problems, this is good news. One of the reasons why mainstream medicine has such difficulty with GI problems is that the majority of them are functional problems rather than structural problems; and pharmaceuticals and surgery are grossly ineffective for functional problems. Synergy Abstract

Drug Treatment of Patients With Acute Bronchitis

For many years now, researchers have been calling for clinicians to halt the use of antibiotics for many upper respiratory tract infections as well as acute bronchitis–the studies continue to show very little or no benefit again and again. This study points to increased likelihood for additional prescriptions for antibiotics during a follow-up visit if they were prescribed during an initial evaluation. If you have been following the Research Updates for any length of time you’ll understand the dangers to human health antibiotics pose by destroying normal flora. Does Drug Treatment of Patients With Acute Bronchitis Reduce Additional Care Seeking?: Evidence From the Practice Partner Re

Prescription Medication Costs

Both patients and physicians are generally unaware of how very expensive many medications are. If more patients had to bear the brunt of prescription meds we would see a dramatic plummet in the use of many meds and insurance rates would definately drop. I do find it interesting, though, that many patients consider certain natural products “expensive.” If they only knew what that prescription drug they take every day costs… Prescription Medication Costs: A Study of Physician Familiarity

Primary Care Practice Patterns and Adherence to Acute LBP Guidelines

I probably shouldn’t comment on this because I am so biased, but I will anyway. Primary care physicians, in general, have a very, very shallow understanding of the normal musculoskeletal biomechanics, and it is no better when those mechanics alter and begin to cause pain. Just like I would not attempt surgery because I have no training in it, primary care physicians should not attempt to treat musculoskeletal disease for the same reason. A Survey of Primary Care Physician Practice Patterns and Adherence to Acute Low Back Problem Guidelines –

Early x ray for low back pain confers little benefit

Too often, radiographs are taken when a patient presents with musculoskeletal pain, without the presence of red flags that indicate the need for x-rays. The case is even worse for MRI and CT scans. As an example, recommendations for suspected herniated discs from both the orthopedic and neurological texts are for 30 days of conservative care, at which time advanced imaging may be requested if the patient has not improved. I can’t tell you how many times patients have come into my office with an MRI in hand from a disc herniation that could have been identified from a good history and physical exam only. Ferriman 321 (7275): 1489a

Impaired transit, tolerance of gas in the irritable bowel syndrome

Could this reduced tolerance to gas and distension in the GI tract be a result of low level inflammation caused by altered flora and intestinal permeability? And, remember that there can be additional gas formed by the fermentation of sugars by bacteria in the GI tract. Most carbs should not make it down to the bacteria; digestion should occur with digestive enzymes instead. Gut — Abstracts: Serra et al. 48 (1): 14

Fibre, butyrate and colon cancer in rats

Health reports in the news everywhere were quick to jump on the research that fiber has no effect on colon cancer, and yet no “equal time” was given to why the results of the research study may have occurred. I have mentioned the importance of healthy bacteria flora, and this study begins to delineate the effects of various types of fiber. Gut — Abstracts: Perrin et al. 48 (1): 53


James Bogash

For more than a decade, Dr. Bogash has stayed current with the medical literature as it relates to physiology, disease prevention and disease management. He uses his knowledge to educate patients, the community and cyberspace on the best way to avoid and / or manage chronic diseases using lifestyle and targeted supplementation.
