Periodontal Microbiota and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness This is by no means the first article linking dental health and cardiovascular risk.  Whether it is a direct seeding of the bacteria into the bloodstream, an indirect up-regulation of the immune process fighting off the bacteria in the gums or a reflection of the overall health of the person […]

Just How Broken is Our Health Care System?

Stating that our health care system is broken should not drop any jaws.  But just exactly how broke is it?  You’ll be shocked. For me, the most recent updated cardiovascular “prevention” guidelines creating such controversy the past few days outlines just how bad it has gotten.  Basically, a panel of which 8 of 15 members had […]

Dietary fatty acids and cardiovascular disease – (09-07-00)

Dietary fatty acids and cardiovascular disease This is a perfect example of how vastly different types of fats can be. This article is a nice review of the benefits of unsaturated fats and the harmful effects of saturated and trans fats. While it may be a while before nutrition authorities are ready to suggest specific […]

Coffee and Tea Health Benefits: 5 Facts to Know

Society is hooked on bottled water, and although the sentiment is beginning to change, we still think that coffee and tea should be on the “use infrequently” list. Funny how topsy-turvy our health perceptions are. I’ve written in the past about how the “8 glasses a day” of water is built entirely on dogma with […]

Vit E May Reduce Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetics – (08-17-00)

Vit E May Reduce Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetics I stongly recommend 800 IU of vitamin E daily to all my patients. This is such a simple and safe addition, and yet the benefit list of vitamin E keeps getting longer and longer. Circulation 2000:102:191-196 Supplemental alpha-tocopherol (AT) given to type 2 diabetic patients […]