BPA in Plastic Water Bottles; Toxic as Ever

IS PLASTIC REALLY THAT DANGEROUS TO OUR HEALTH?? The dangers of Bisphenol A (BPA) have been known for years, and the FDA recently came out and admitted that, well, maybe it’s not that good for us…You’ve also slowly seen the retail side of things slowly proclaim that their products are now BPA free.  Strong move […]

Buying BPA Free Water Bottles? Critical Fact to Know

We live in a toxic soup.  In an attempt to avoid at least SOME of the pollutants, many have become dilligent about avoiding Bisphenol A (BPA) in plastics. I first wrote about BPA in canned goods as early as 2001 and have been a vocal advocate for avoiding its use as much as possible.  It […]

The Bottled Water Story Just Got Scarier

Ok. By now, unless you’re living in a cave, you know that BPA from plastic water bottles is not good for us.  So industry has been moving towards BPA free bottles. But what if the story was so much more complex?  It always is. First, as way of background, Bisphenol A (BPA) is not good […]

Prediabetic? 2 Reasons Drop the Water Bottle and Drink This

You can’t go anywhere these days without being visually assaulted by the sheer volume of plastic water bottles we seem to feel the need to lug around. I can’t help but grimace inwardly when I see the 30-something woman walking around the block in yoga pants and matching exercise bra and shoes at a good […]