Metformin Administration Versus Laparoscopic Ovarian Diathermy in Clomiphene Citrate-Resistant Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Am I missing something here? The relationship between polycystic ovaries and metabolic syndrome is beyond reproach. Lifestyle changes to manage metabolic syndrome is the first (and, in my opinion, only) line of defense and has proven incredibly effective to eliminate insulin […]


Changes in Glucose Tolerance over Time in Women with Polycystic Ovaries The research pointing to the link between insulin resistance and PCOS is very, very strong.  And yet I read an article in a pregnancy/mother magazine about PCOS.  The last therapy mentioned was managing insulin resistance.  While I was exuberant that it was mentioned at […]

Pre-eclampsia, Gestational Diabetes and Lifestyle Choices

BETTER PREGNANCY OUTCOMES THROUGH LIFESTYLE? The research is very heavily in support of the idea that healthy pregnancies begin long before a couple becomes pregnant.  Mom’s AND dad’s weight and health status dictate not only the health of the developing baby but the likelihood of getting pregnant in the first place. In fact, polycystic ovary […]

Obesity During Pregnancy and Heart Valve Defects

PROTECTING YOUR BABY’S HEART BEGINS LONG BEFORE PREGNANCY…  I know that all pregnancies are not planned, but for those who are planning on a family, you need to consider long and hard what you are willing to do for the health of your baby.  This particular study found that, in moms who were obese (up […]

Weight Loss Diets and Shakes—Avoid This Like the Plague

Weight loss.  Your doctor pronounces the goal like it’s as easy as changing socks.  But it’s the rare physician that can put you on the path to that goal. The (much) less informed physicians will recommend drink mixes to lose weight with names like Medifast or Slim Fast.  Maybe the DASH diet or the American […]