Natural Remedies for ADHD in Children; Do They Work?

I believe every parent is inherently hesitant to put a child on drugs that mess with the brain. It would seem that natural remedies for ADHD in children would be safer. Our childrens’ brains undergo some incredible changes throughout the entire adolescent period.  And when it comes to the brain, we know very little about […]

ADHD in Elementary School Children in North Carolina – (02-18-02)

ADHD in Elementary School Children in North Carolina If this article does not scare the daylights out of you, nothing in the realm of pharmaceuticals will. 10% of children were given the diagnosis of ADHD and 7% of all children are medicated. This is an incredibly high prevalence of a childhood “disorder” and raises huge […]

Natural Help for ADHD: Brain Health Answers

In the discussion and treatment of kids with ADHD, brain health never seems to come into play. We talk about behaviors and medications and diagnosing these kids, but never about the critical aspect–improving the health of your child’s brain. I am certainly willing to entertain the idea that things happen in the womb (specifically, epigenetic […]

Study of methylphenidate & lithium in adults with ADHD – (11-14-02)

Study of methylphenidate & lithium in adults with ADHD A recent lecture by a near brilliant PhD in biochemistry brought this topic to mind. This study found lithium as effective as methylphenidate (Ritalin) for ADHD. Keep in mind that, although lithium has some negative associations with it, safe forms requiring much lower dosages are currently […]

Childhood ADHD / Behavioral Problems? This Might Be a Cause

Some days your child seems fine. Other days a truckload of Valium couldn’t calm him or her down. You hate the label of ADHD. Could something else be wrong? I was recently in a situation around a bunch a 1st graders.  One of the children seemed particularly zoned out and someone mentioned that he must be […]