Mesa AZ Chiropractor Explains Importance of Fish Oil

FISH OILS NOT EFFECTIVE FOR PREVENTING HEART DEATHS.  Sounds disappointing, huh?  And I’m sure this is what we’ll be hearing from the media and doctors everywhere.  The reality is that 1 gram of fish oils (considered a low dose) given for a year, is not effective at lowering the rates of sudden cardiac death in patients who […]

Migraine Doctor Mesa AZ Residents Trust

MIGRAINE SUFFERERS BEWARE NEW PREVENTATIVE APPROACH.  You’ve all read me ranting and raving about how we are completely missing the boat on treatment of migraines.  That migraineuers have an increased risk of heart disease and stroke because the problem is NOT in the brain, but it is in the body.  It is the body screaming […]

Ibuprofen Increases Stroke Risk

Ibuprofen Increases Stroke Risk COMMON OVER THE COUNTER DRUG FAR MORE DANGEROUS THAN ANYONE THINKS.  Your back or neck are a little sore after doing some yardwork this weekend.  Just pop a few ibuprofen and everything will be fine.  Better yet, saunter on over to the neighbor who had back surgery a few months ago […]

Afib Risk and Ibuprofen

ANOTHER BAD EFFECTS OF ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES??  Is it just me, or is the list of side effects of NSAIDs getting longer and longer?  And we really all have Merck and Vioxx to thank for this direction of the research after well over 100,000 cardiovascular events were estimated to have occurred as a result of the new blockbuster […]

Why Exercise is Important – Mesa AZ Back Pain Doctor

IF YOU CAN’T EXERCISE THIS MUCH, JUST HANG IT UP NOW…. Gotta love us lazy humans.  Just how little exercise, how little we have to exert and how infrequent do we have to exercise and still get a benefit? Not that I advocate hanging out of the bottom of the bell curve, but in this study participants […]