Arizona Laser Lipo FAQs

Lipo light laser lipo unit

Lipo laser prices

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about our Laser-Lipo program. You are encouraged to look them over to familiarize yourself with how it works prior to calling to schedule appointments.

What is Laser-Lipo?  Laser-Lipo is a body shaping program designed to sculpt various areas of the body using the Lipo-Light system. It is completely non-invasive. Sixteen oval shaped devices with infrared lights are placed on the area being treated. This allows fat to be excreted through the fat cells. Think of grapes being turned to raisins. Fat cells are not eliminated, but rather shrink down. The “melted” fat excreted from the cells is then excreted from the body. You will relax on a massage table in a dimly lit room during the treatment. For information from the manufacturer click here

Do I have to come in for a consultation?  No consultation is necessary. Almost anyone can be treated, with the exception of those who are currently undergoing chemotherapy or radiation, and anyone with an open wound in the treatment area. Your laser technician will go over treatment and answer any questions at your first appointment.

What areas can be treated?  The abdomen is the predominant area we treat, but upper arms, thighs and backs can also be treated. Men with gynocomastia respond well to treatment.

Does it work?   Yes. On average, our Laser-Lipo clients are seeing a loss of 2-4 inches following 6-8 treatments in the abdominal area. Upper arms and thighs respond a little less quickly.  Results, as expected, will vary.

How much weight will I lose? The program is a body sculpting program, not a weight loss program. You may or may not lose weight along with the inches lost.

How many treatments will I need?   Everyone is different and their bodies respond at different rates. Generally, our clients begin to see and feel results after 3-4 treatments. Our 2 treatment package is merely an introduction to how the system works. 4-6 treatments may give clients the desired results, but additional treatments can be purchased for further sculpting. The manufacturer recommends 2 treatments per week for best results.

Can I treat more than one area per visit?  Most often, only a single region can be treated over the course of treatment.  Good coverage is necessary for optimal coverage, and we want to ensure you get the best possible results.

How long does each treatment take?   We suggest allowing 1 hour for a first visit, and 40 minutes for consecutive visits. Actual treatment time is 20 minutes on the Lipo-Light machine and another 10 minutes on the Whole Body Vibration unit.

What is whole body vibration?  10 minutes of WBV is included with each treatment to help stimulate the lymphatic system and burn some calories while building muscle. It can be as simple as standing on the machine for 10 minutes while it does the work, or lifting some dumb-bells while on it for an extra work out.

Do I need to do anything special before or after the treatment?   Nothing is necessary to prepare for the treatment.   You should come to your appointment on time and in clothing that will allow easy access to the treatment area. If your treatment involves the abdominal area, we recommend pants or a skirt and top. For thighs or buttocks, shorts or yoga pants are recommended. Upon completion of treatment, you can resume normal activity. It is recommended that you try to undertake some form of exercise within 24 hours of each treatment, and that you increase your water intake. No special diet is required, but any improvements to your diet will likely improve your results.

Will the fat loss be permanent?   The results should be permanent as long as lifestyle (diet and exercise) remains the same.

What are your hours?   We generally schedule Laser-Lipo Monday – Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m and Saturday mornings.